Are the number of Hoarder Fires rising? As we research this question the evidence seems to point towards: Yes they are. Until we establish a definite way of recording data on the number of Hoarding Fires that are occuring, we rely on news stories from around the world to update us on the number of hoarder fires. They usually grab news attention due to the amount of firefighters required and the length of time it takes to manage these situations.
This post is to share some of the latest news stories from around the world about Hoarder Fires:
These are some of the most recent news stories from around the world on Hoarder Fires. A new feature here on the Chamber of Hoarders will be a monthly update on the news stories reporting emergencies inside the hoarding envriornments.
Stay safe and always remember..... Hoarder Fires: Identify, Adjust, and ATTACK!!!