ryan penningtonHello my name is Ryan Pennington. I’m here because I am passionate about protecting firefighters from the dangers created by Compulsive Hoarding Disorder. I understand the challenges firefighters face when dealing with these conditions as an active firefighter in Charleston West Virginia and having a family member afflicted with Compulsive Hoarding Disorder. That is why I have started the Chamber of Hoarders website, recorded an online learning platform, and travel around North America teaching the needed awareness and tactical changes required for firefighters dealing with massive amounts of belongings.

Two years ago I started on this journey of learning after my home department had two fires inside hoarding conditions, one fatal. Upon starting this research I was shocked to learn that the fire service, as a whole,had not published any studies or literature on the needed awareness and tactical changes. During this research into the needed changes is where I began learning lessons from fire departments around the world. Taking information gathered from case studies, interviews, and various fire publications I assembled a four hour class on hoarding, from a first responder perspective. Using this information I have been able to set up a structured class to identify hoarding conditions are present, make needed tactical changes, and advise firefighters how to attack these fires in a safer manor.

It hasn't been an easy journey due to the lack of research into fire dynamics, commonality of things collected, and understanding of the stressors on the buildings caused by the weight of their accumulated belongings. Now I am excited to say that firefighters are hearing the message, understanding the needed changes, and allowing the information to arrive at their departments to increase their understanding of this complex situation. I am excited to share this information with you, both online and in person, and share the results of firefighters that have used the enclosed information to make sound decisions and bring everyone home safe. and now I want to help YOUR department……. It all starts with clicking this link to sign up for the FREE email list and updates from the chamber of hoarders website. This is free to sign up and your contact information will not be shared with anyone. Updates are sent to list members with free content. If you are interested in accessing the online learning center click the link here to see whats included inside…….. It is four hours of learning that is accessible online on all devices that have internet access… Then if you are interested in hearing this presentation live in your area send an email to jumpseatviews@icloud.com to request an information packet and a white paper on responding to Hoarding, a first responder perspective.

Ryan Pennington
Jumpseat Training LLC
Charleston, West Virginia
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